A Tribute to a True American Patriot: Vice Admiral Emmett H. Tidd, USN (Ret.)
Our beloved friend, Vice Admiral Emmett H. Tidd, who served over 30 years in the U.S. Navy, passed away on March 20, 2018. My husband, daughter, and I were privileged to attend the full military honors funeral provided for Admiral Tidd at Arlington National Cemetery on August 13, 2018. The service at Arlington was so fitting for such a true American Patriot. The lovely reception that followed offered such a special opportunity for family and friends to share personal remembrances of the Admiral and his dear wife, “Muggs.”
I first met the Tidds at Texas Tech University’s Vietnam Center in 1998 after my presentation to teachers, “Teaching Vietnam.” They were very excited to meet a high school teacher who was offering an elective course called, “Lessons of Vietnam (LOV);” so, of course, I took the opportunity to invite them to participate in our LOV Program!
How fortunate Millbrook High LOV students were to experience bi-annual classroom visits by Vice Admiral and Mrs. Tidd from 1999-2006. Not only did they share their insights regarding the ‘Lessons of Vietnam,’ but they also related many personal stories about life in the Navy during the Cold War—and beyond. In reflecting on one of their classroom visits, one student commented, “They are a testament to the American spirit, at home and abroad.”
As many of my former students know, Admiral Tidd was quite an innovator! He was instrumental in helping to establish our Veteran-Student Link Program, as well as our BRIDGES Newsletter Club. His support for our LOV Program never wavered. And, while it means a great deal to me that he was so devoted to our Lessons of Vietnam Program, I treasured our longtime friendship even more.
Sadly, Admiral Tidd has now left us to join so many others of the Greatest Generation who have also passed. We will miss him, but we also know how fortunate we were to have had him in our lives for a part of his—one marked by outstanding service and dedication to our country and to our students.