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The Vietnam War in Popular Culture:
The Influence of America’s Most Controversial War on Everyday Life
(Published by ABC-CLIO, 2017)
Ron Milam, Editor. Foreword by: George C. Herring. 2 VOLUMES
Volume 2: Chapter 10: Encouraging Students to Think Outside the “Box Office”
By Lindy G. Poling
I am excited to share some exciting news with my former Lessons of Vietnam (LOV) students and friends. My essay, Encouraging Students to Think Outside the Box Office, addresses two major questions that I submitted to 60 former LOV students in the summer of 2015: “How did pop culture affect your perception of the Vietnam War before taking the LOV elective?” And “How did Lessons of Vietnam change your initial perceptions of the Vietnam War itself, Vietnam Veterans, and the Vietnam Era?”
A special thank you goes to 29 of my former LOV students (from Millbrook HS) LOV classes: 1997-2011) who graciously gave their time to write some amazing reflections, many of which are included in this publication. Also, I would like to give a shout-out to MHS Teacher Mark Grow for taking the to conduct a very helpful survey with his Fall 2015 LOV classes.
Hometown Heroes Service Learning Project

Authors: Lindy Poling and Sharon Deane
Through four separate lesson plans, students have an opportunity to learn about local veterans who served and sacrificed in Vietnam, and to preserve their stories for generations to come.
VVMF Launches Hometown Heroes Service Learning Project
On June 25th, 2014 VVMF launched its newest service learning project, Hometown Heroes. The main objective of Hometown Heroes is to collect the photos and stories of those who served and sacrificed during the Vietnam War and other military conflicts. The voluntary school curriculum involves remembering those who sacrificed, preserving their stories, commemorating veterans, and understanding healing through memorials. Students and teachers from six schools across the country attended the launch to showcase their work with the curriculum.

VVMF Education Center at the Wall Content Advisory Committee Members
Mark Atwood Lawrence, George Herring, Larry Berman, Paulette Curtis, Lindy Poling, John Prados, Edwin Moise (Absent: Ron Milam, Ronald Spector, and Robert Sutton)
VVMF’s Content Advisory Committee is comprised of historians and experts in teaching who can guide VVMF’s education programs and materials. Their primary goal is help craft a concise and compelling narrative of the Vietnam War.

General George B. Price reunites with Lindy Poling and former
Lessons of Vietnam students at VVMF’s Hometown Heroes Launch Event.
Teaching the Lessons of Vietnam
By Lindy G. Poling

Since I was a child, I have loved the study of history, but as a young teacher I quickly discovered that not all of my students shared my passion. So I began experimenting with different methods to make the learning of history more inviting. One of the most successful methods has proven to be inviting guest speakers into the classroom. During the past twelve semesters, I have been using this instructional approach that I call the Community-in-the-Classroom to teach a popular high school elective called the Lessons of Vietnam (LOV). I invite as many as twenty well-informed visitors into our classroom to help students investigate and better understand what was happening, both at home and abroad, during the Vietnam Era. Learn more...
Teaching Local History in Grades 6-12

“The Real World“
“Community Speakers in the Classroom”
By Lindy Poling

Featured in USA Today -March 14, 2005
Personal approach revisits the past with a point of view.
Millbrook High Teacher –October 14, 2004, USA Today named Millbrook High teacher Lindy Poling one of the 20 teachers from across the nation on their All-USA Teacher First Team. Mrs. Poling has been a history teacher at Millbrook High School since 1984. She has earned honors in Wake County and across the country for her Community-in-the-Classroom approach to studying history and her class, Lessons of Vietnam/Recent International Relations.

NC History Teacher of the Year
Lindy Poling, a social studies teacher and department chair at Millbrook High School in Raleigh, has been named the 2006 North Carolina History Teacher of the Year by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and Preserve America.

VFW National Citizenship Education
Teacher of the Year – Lindy G. Poling, U.S. History Teacher at Millbrook High School in Raleigh, NC, has been selected as the 2002 Veterans of Foreign Wars National Citizenship Education Teacher of the Year. This award is designed to recognize the nation’s top elementary, junior high, and high school teachers who teach citizenship education topics regularly and promote America’s history and traditions. Ms. Poling was sponsored by VFW Post 10225 Garner, NC. Read More…

Developing Citizens of the World
an article by Ms. Lindy Poling, published in the Winter 2008-09 edition of Global TeachNet, a National Peace Corps Association publication.

Lessons of the Past and Present
By Maria Cucurullo
MHS Lessons of Vietnam Class, 2008