Explore the Social Studies Program & Enhance Your Learning
Step-by-step guidelines and rationale for setting up a Community-in-the-Classroom program
to enliven and improve a Social Studies curriculum.
Best Practices in a Community in the Classroom Social Studies Program
Step-by-step guidelines and rationale for setting up a Community-in-the-Classroom program to enliven and improve a Social Studies curriculum.
Best Practices in a Community in the Classroom Social Studies Program

Vice Admiral and Mrs. Emmett Tidd
visit Lindy Poling’s Classroom

WWII Veteran HT Conner and his wife, Delores,
bring history to life for history students!

“The Real World : Community Speakers in the Classroom”
By Lindy Poling

Developing Citizens of the World
An article by Ms. Lindy Poling, published
in the Winter 2008-09 edition of Global TeachNet,
a National Peace Corps Association publication.